The International Ag 602 course is one of the
richest learning experiences I have seen in higher education. The dynamic
international learning environment is greatly enhanced by bringing together
undergraduates and graduates with diverse backgrounds and international
experiences with a multidisciplinary, intergenerational group of faculty,
administrators, and extension educators. Each of the participants becomes
an active learner and teacher in the context of understanding a developing
nation's complex food, environmental, economic, and social
- William B. Lacy, College of Agricutlure and Life Sciences, Cornell University, and former director of Cornell Cooperative Extension
I want to express my excitement and
satisfaction with the International Agriculture 6002 program in Honduras.
THis trip, long established in the Cornell curriculum, was recommended to
me by my father because he found it to be an exceptional learning experienec
when he took it to Costa Rica in 1969. The program has a wonderful reputation
for providing students with tremendous experience and knowledge.
-Kelly Doss |
We would like to thank Dennis Kulis and Cornell Media services for designing and producing the IA 602 brochure. Please also note that there are some small modifications in choice of photos and layout for this web presentation from the published brochure.
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