RiceDis ­ Rice diseases - fungi

Slide Number 1
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Slide of symptoms, spores, etc.
Slide credit ?
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Slide Number 2
Date 1969
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Susceptible type lesions
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 3
Date 1969
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Resitant type lesions
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 4
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Effect of drought stress on blast severity
Slide credit IRRI
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Slide Number 5
Date 2/7/68
Site IRRI. Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Drs. Ling and Cox in rice blast nursery
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 6
Date 2/7/68
Site IRRI, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Blast on border rows in nursery
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information

Slide Number 7
Date 2/7/68
Site IRRI, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Blast on border rows in nursery
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information

Slide Number 8
Date 2/7/68
Site IRRI, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Rice blast nursery
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 9
Date 2/13/68
Site Isabella, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject "Rotten neck" caused by P. oryzae
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 10
Date 6/9/69
Site Ithaca, NY
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Conidial production on damaged leaf tissue of IR8
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 11
Date 10/10/71
Site Corinto, Colombia
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Francis Latterell, S. H. Ou, and Dr. Cheney
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 12
Date 10/10/71
Site Corinto, Colombia
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject CIAT blast fungicide experiment
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 13
Date 10/10/71
Site Corinto, Colombia
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject CIAT blast fungicide experiment (Sally Nelson)
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 14
Date 10/10/71
Site Corinto, Colombia
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject CIAT blast fungicide experiment
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 15
Date 6/9/69
Site Ithaca, NY
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Conidial production on damaged leaf tissue
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information

Slide Number 16
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice blast
Scientific name of pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea)
Subject Slide of world distribution of rice blast according to Commonwealth Mycological Institute
Slide credit ?
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Slide Number 17
Hosts rice
Disease Name False smut of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens
Subject Symptoms on panicle
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
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Slide Number 18
Hosts rice
Disease Name Kernal smut of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Tilletia barclayna
Subject Symptoms on kernal (grain)
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
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Slide Number 19
Hosts rice
Disease Name Kernal smut of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Tilletia barclayna
Subject Symptoms on grain
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
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Slide Number 20
Hosts rice
Disease Name Leaf smut of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Entyloma oryzae
Subject Symptoms on leaf
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
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Slide Number 21
Hosts rice
Disease Name White tip nematode of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Aphelenchoides besseyi
Subject Symptoms on leaf
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
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Slide Number 22
Date 10/25/71
Site IRRI, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name Rhizoctonia leaf spot ??
Scientific name of pathogen Corticium sasakii ??
Subject Symptoms on leaf
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 23
Date 10/26/71
Site IRRI, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name Sheath blight
Scientific name of pathogen Thanatephorus cucumeris
Subject Symptoms on stem
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 24
Date 10/26/71
Site IRRI, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name Narrow brown leaf spot
Scientific name of pathogen Cercospora oryzae
Subject Symptoms on leaf
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 25
Hosts rice
Disease Name Straighthead
Scientific name of pathogen Physiological ???
Subject Symptoms on plants
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
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Slide Number 26
Date 10/26/71
Site N of Manila, Philippines
Hosts rice
Disease Name Brown spot of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Cochliobolus oryzae (Helminthosporium oryzae)
Subject Symptoms on leaf
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 27
Date 1/17/73
Site Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice leaf scald
Scientific name of pathogen Rhynchosporium oryzae
Subject Leaf symptoms
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 28
Date 1/17/73
Site Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Hosts rice
Disease Name rice leaf scald
Scientific name of pathogen Rhynchosporium oryzae
Subject symptoms on plant
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 29
Date 10/10/71
Site Palmira, Colombia
Hosts rice
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Zinc deficiency experiments
Slide credit
Additional information Minor element deficiency, soil problem
Slide Number 30
Date 7/26/78
Site Kangnung, Korea
Hosts rice
Disease Name Bakanae disease of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Gibberella fujikuroi
Subject Diseased plants in rice field (pale tall plants)
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 31
Date 7/26/78
Site N of Seoul, Korea
Hosts rice
Disease Name Bakanae disease of rice
Scientific name of pathogen Gibberella fujikuroi
Subject Diseased plant in rice field (pale tall plants)
Slide credit Thurston
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