POTATO1 Potato slides
Slide Number 1
Date 5/6/64
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Multipication - Suma Paz
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 2
Date 1/9/56
Site Pasto, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Potato Section of Market
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 3
Date 2/1/56
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Solanum andigenum clones of CCC (Coleción
Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, potato
Slide Number 4
Date 1/18/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Solanum phureja clones of CCC (Coleción
Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, potato
Slide Number 5
Date 1/18/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject flesh colors of Solanum phureja clones of CCC
(Coleción Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, anthocyanines,
Slide Number 6
Date 1/18/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Tubers and seed balls of Solanum phureja clone
CCC 118 (Coleción Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, potato
Slide Number 7
Date 1/18/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject individual hills of Solanum phureja clones of
CCC (Coleción Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, potato
Slide Number 8
Date 1/18/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Obreros harvesting Solanum phureja clones of
CCC (Coleción Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, potato
Slide Number 9
Date 8/12/59
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Obreros harvesting good yield of potatoes
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm,
Slide Number 10
Date 2/16/56
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Lee Heidrick planting potato tuber units
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, virus control
Slide Number 11
Date 3/9/56
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Workers planting potato tuber units
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, virus control
Slide Number 12
Date 3/9/56
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Planting potato tuber units
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information diversity, germplasm, virus control
Slide Number 13
Date 5/7/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Drainage system in potato field; Edmundo Perez,
Nieto, Lauro Lujan
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information irrigation, drainage
Slide Number 14
Date 11/29/63
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Paperos - ICA Potato Program staff
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information experiment station
Slide Number 15
Date 4/1/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Roguing virus infected potato plants
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information sanitation
Slide Number 16
Date 4/5/55
Site Bonza, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject H. David Thurston in potato plot
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 17
Date 1/18/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Nelson Estrada & Lauro Lujan taking notes
in Coleción Central Colombiana)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information potatoes
Slide Number 18
Date 2/28/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject L-R Edmundo Perez, Luis Varon, Julia Guzman,
Lauro Lujan, Idrobo, Nelson Estrada - Potato Program staff
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information potatoes
Slide Number 19
Date 4/28/60
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject White and purple flowers on same peduncle; mutation?
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information potatoes, diversity
Slide Number 20
Date 3/1/60
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Mutation? (chimera) - different colored tubers
on same plant (CCC 937)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information potatoes, diversity
Slide Number 21
Date 6/16/55
Site Subachoque, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Oxen hauling water wagon for spraying potatoes
with fungicides/insecticides
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 22
Date 6/23/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Fungicide test plots
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information potatoes
Slide Number 23
Date 8/25/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Fungicide test plots - taking notes
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 24
Date 11/15/61
Site Balcarce, Argentina
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Potato storage under straw mulch
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 25
Date 11/15/61
Site Balcarce, Argentina
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Potato storage under straw mulch after 9 months
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 26
Date 11/15/61
Site Balcarce, Argentina
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Potato storage under straw mulch
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 27
Date 5/19/65
Site Santo Domingo, Venezuela
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Harvest of Sebago - 600 meters??
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 28
Date 8/8/62
Site Patzcuaro, Mexico
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Potato farm
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 29
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Slide - German extension methods - Frederick
William I, 1688-1740
Slide credit
Additional information
Slide Number 30
Date 6/5/79
Site Canton, NY
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Potato planters - Bob Zeigler, Glenn Caslick,
Jorge Galindo, and Gail Schumann
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 31
Date Wilsboro, NY
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject View from cabin - early morning - Lake Champlain
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 32
Date 11/19/54
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name English: Potato yellow vein disease
Spanish: Amarillamiento de las venas
de la papa
Scientific name of pathogen Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV)
Subject Potato yellow vein disease potato symptoms
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information whitefly transmission
Slide Number 33
Date 5/20/60
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Calico virus
Scientific name of pathogen Alfalfa mosaic virus
Subject Symptoms
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 34
Date 12/14/65
Site Quito, Ecuador
Hosts Potato
Disease Name English: Potato yellow vein disease
Spanish: Amarillamiento de las venas
de la papa
Scientific name of pathogen Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV)
Subject Potato yellow vein disease potato symptoms
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information whitefly transmission
Slide Number 35
Date 3/6/56
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Leaf miner insect - "Toston"; Liriomyza
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information potato insects
Slide Number 36
Date 5/6/64
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name "yellows" virus
Scientific name of pathogen unknown - virus (possibly leaf roll)
Subject Severe virus symptoms
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 37
Date 11/17/65
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts Tomato
Disease Name Tomato rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia pitteriana
Subject symptoms produced in greenhouse when inoculated
with inoculum from potatoes
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 38
Date 5/23/63
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia pitteriana
Subject pustules on potato leaf
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 39
Date 5/23/63
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia pitteriana
Subject pustules on potato leaf
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 40
Date 5/23/63
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia pitteriana
Subject pustules on potato leaf
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 41
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia pitteriana
Subject pustules on potato leaf
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information
Slide Number 42
Date 5/27/59
Site Facatativa, Colombia
Hosts potato
Disease Name Rhizoctonia stem and stolon canker, (black
Scientific name of pathogen Rhizoctonia solani - anamorph
(Thanatephorus cucumeris (teleomorph)
Subject Purpling of foliage caused by R. solani; farmer
had no rotated his field
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information rotation
Slide Number 43
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato smut
Scientific name of pathogen Thecaphora solani
Subject tuber symptoms
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information
Slide Number 44
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato smut
Scientific name of pathogen Thecaphora solani
Subject tuber symptoms
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information
Slide Number 45
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato wart
Scientific name of pathogen Synchytrium endobioticum
Subject tuber symptoms
Slide credit ???
Additional information
Slide Number 46
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato wart
Scientific name of pathogen Synchytrium endobioticum
Subject tuber symptoms
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information
Slide Number 47
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Basal stem rot of potato
Scientific name of pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii
Subject symptoms on stems
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information
Slide Number 48
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Black rot
Scientific name of pathogen Rosellinia sp.
Subject tuber symptoms
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information
Slide Number 49
Date 1/24/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Powdery mildew
Scientific name of pathogen Erysiphe cichoracearum
Subject Symptoms on leaf
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 50
Date 1/24/55
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Powdery mildew
Scientific name of pathogen Erysiphe cichoracearum
Subject Symptoms on plants
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 51
Date 10/1/56
Site Grand Rapids, MN
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Scab
Scientific name of pathogen Streptomyces scabies
Subject Range of scab types
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 52
Date 6/8/88
Site Ithaca, NY
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Scab
Scientific name of pathogen Streptomyces scabies
Subject Julie and Christine Stockwell spreading cow manure
for scab test
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information bull
Slide Number 53
Date 8/31/50
Site Crookston, Minnesota
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject H.D.Thurston driving tractor in fungicide test
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 54
Date 8/15/50
Site Crookston, Minnesota
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject H.D.Thurston in fungicide test plots
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 55
Date 8/31/50
Site Crookston, Minnesota
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Dust fungicide plots
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 56
Date 3/8/63
Site Latacunga, Ecuador
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Spraying potatoes on hillside
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information Grower had 800 hectares of potatoes
Slide Number 57
Date ?
Site Andes
Hosts Potato
Disease Name Potato wart
Scientific name of pathogen Synchytrium endobioticum
Subject tuber symptoms
Slide credit CIP - Int'l Potato
Additional information