Moko - Pseudomonas solanacearum slides MOKO of bananas
Slide Number 1
Date ?
Site ?
Hosts Banana
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Bananas killed by moko
Slide credit American Phytopathological Society
Additional information
Slide Number 2
Date 9/19/61
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Colonies of bacteria on TZC medium
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 3
Date 3/30/65
Site Venadillo, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Symtoms on psuedostem and stem of raceme
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 4
Date 3/30/65
Site Venadillo, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Symtoms on stem of raceme and healthy and diseased
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 5
Date 9/19/61
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Symptoms of Moko on corm and psuedostem; note
bacterial ooze
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 6
Date 4/9/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Diseased raceme; note male flower where inoculation
took place and symptoms on fruit
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 7
Date 4/9/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Diseased raceme; note severe symptoms on fruit
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 8
Date 10/26/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Diseased raceme; note male flower where inoculation
took place and severe symptoms on fruit
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 9
Date 10/26/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Diseased hand; symptoms on fruit
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 10
Date 10/26/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Diseased raceme; severe symptoms on fruit - black
and dead
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 11
Date 10/2/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Healthy raceme with male inflorescence removed
(poda de la bellota)
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 12
Date ?
Site ?
Hosts banana
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Mature raceme showing how bracts abciss
Slide credit Phil Arneson
Additional information
Slide Number 13
Date 1/25/69
Site Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Hosts banana
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Mature raceme of variety on which the bracts of
the Cachaco platano (plantain)
do not abciss
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 14
Date 7/25/74
Site Cali, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Normal ooze from bract of male flower which attracts
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information - insect transmission
Slide Number 15
Date 7/25/74
Site Cali, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Wasps & moths on bract of male flower
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information - insect transmission
Slide Number 16
Date 1/6/85
Site Limon, Costa Rica
Hosts banana
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Wasps on bract of male flower
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information - insect transmission
Slide Number 17
Date 10/2/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Diseased plant inoculated with bacterium
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information - transmission
Slide Number 18
Date 9/9/66
Site Espinal, Tolima, Colombia
Hosts Cachaco platano (plantain)
Disease Name Moko disease of bananas
Scientific name of pathogen -P. solanacearum
Subject Moko experiment on Espinal Exp. Station
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information -- Carlos Lozano