CEREALS Cereals and Miscellaneous Diseases
Slide Number 1
Date 11/27/61
Site Lima, Peru
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Dwarf wheat
Slide credit
Additional information HYVs (High yielding varieties), Semi-
Slide Number 2
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Triticale
Slide credit CIMMYT
Additional information
Slide Number 3
Date 10/14/52
Site Erie Country, PA
Disease Name Stem rust of wheat
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici
Subject Spraying barberrry - Berberis vulgaris
Slide credit ????
Additional information Alternate host of Puccinia graminis f.
sp. tritici
Slide Number 4
Date 1960
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts barley
Disease Name eñanismo
Scientific name of pathogen virus
Subject Symptoms on barley
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 5
Date 1960
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts barley
Disease Name eñanismo
Scientific name of pathogen virus
Subject Symptoms on barley and healthy check
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 6
Date 5/23/63
Site Pasto, Colombia
Hosts barley
Disease Name eñanismo
Scientific name of pathogen virus
Subject Symptoms on barley and healthy checks
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 7
Date 12/13/65
Site Quito, Ecuador
Hosts barley
Disease Name eñanismo
Scientific name of pathogen virus
Subject Symptoms on Funza barley and check plots
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 8
Date 3/7/63
Site Quito, Ecuador
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Galls on barley caused by eñanismo vector
- Cicadulina pastusae
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information insects, leafhoppers, hypertrophy
Slide Number 9
Site ??
Hosts barley
Disease Name eñanismo
Scientific name of pathogen virus
Subject Possible leafhopper vector of enansimo?? Cicadulina
Slide credit ???
Additional information
Slide Number 10
Date 11/8/62
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Soil bins and cages used to collect rust spores which
are found all year round in the air in Colombia
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 11
Date 1/10/62
Site Palmira, Colombia
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Wheat field on exp. station. Note palms
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 12
Date 11/27/61
Site Lima, Peru
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Rosendo Postigo and wheat plots on
coast of Peru
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 13
Date 11/15/61
Site Balcarce, Argentina
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Oat field
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 14
Date 12/21/58
Site La Selva, Colombia
Hosts Oats
Disease Name Oat stem rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae
Subject Oat var. CI 69-69 susceptible to oat stem rust
and resistant variety
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 15
Date 5/26/59
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts Oats
Disease Name Oat stem rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae
Subject Uredial stage of oat stem rust
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information Urediospores
Slide Number 16
Date 11/22/54
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts wheat
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Joe Rupert's wheat plots
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 17
Date 1/13/60
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts wheat
Disease Name Glume rust, stripe rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia glumarum
Subject Symptoms on leaves
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 18
Date 1/13/60
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts wheat
Disease Name Glume rust, stripe rust
Scientific name of pathogen Puccinia glumarum
Subject Symptoms on glumes of Egypt NA 101
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 19
Date 1/18/64
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts wheat
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Angel Maria inoculating with rust spores
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 20
Date July 1953
Site Northern Michigan
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen
Subject Amanita muscaria - fly agaric
Slide credit ???
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Slide Number 21
Date August 1984
Site Ithaca, NY
Hosts Hawthorn - Crataegus sp.
Disease Name Cedar apple rust
Scientific name of pathogen Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae
Subject Aecial stage on hawthorn
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 22
Date 5/17/57
Site St. Paul, Minnesota
Hosts Cedar
Disease Name Cedar apple rust
Scientific name of pathogen Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae
Subject Telial stage - galls fruiting on cedar
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 23
Hosts Cabbage
Disease Name Damping off
Scientific name of pathogen ?
Subject Damping off of cabbage seedlings
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 24
Date 5/9/63
Site Bogota, Colombia
Hosts common fly
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen Entomphora muscae
Subject fungus attacking fly - spores discharged on window
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information fungal disease of adult Diptera
Slide Number 25
Date 4/25/80
Site Nairobi, Kenya
Disease Name
Scientific name of pathogen Cuscuta sp.
Subject Dodder on weeds
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 26
Date 3/18/80
Site Quimiag, Ecuador
Disease Name dodder
Scientific name of pathogen Cuscuta sp.
Subject dodder on weeds at edge of steep maize
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 27
Date 8/13/58
Site St. Paul, MN
Hosts Bryophyllum sp.
Disease Name crown gall
Scientific name of pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Subject Galls on Bryophyllum sp.
Slide credit Thurston
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Slide Number 28
Date 7/15/59
Site Tibaitata, Colombia
Hosts Shepard's purse
Disease Name white rust (Albugo candida)
Scientific name of pathogen Albugo candida
Subject White rust symptoms
Slide credit Thurston
Additional information
Slide Number 29
Date 1968
Site Bogota, Colombia
Hosts Rose
Disease Name Powdery mildew
Scientific name of pathogen Sphaerotheca pannosa
Subject Symptoms on rose leaf
Slide credit ???
Additional information
Slide Number 30
Date 1980
Site Ithaca, NY
Hosts Tulip
Disease Name Tulip breaking, tulip mosaic
Scientific name of pathogen Tulip breaking potyvirus
Subject symptoms on tulips - streaking of colors
Slide credit Thurston
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